Po On Commercial Association Wan Ho Kan Primary School
School Homework Policy
The Role of Homework in the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Cycle

Homework can extend and consolidate students’ learning outside the classroom, and help students deepen their understanding and construct knowledge. Meaningful homework also enables students to learn to take up responsibility, build their confidence and develop their capabilities in independent learning.
Setting Meaningful Homework
In setting meaningful homework, the following are taken into account:
- Well-defined goals: The homework given aligns with the school curriculum and has clear learning goals. A piece of homework does not contain checking on too many concepts. Our goal while setting the homework is to motivate students to do their best.
- When setting homework, teachers provide sufficient guidance and explanation in order to ensure that every student understands the requirements and ways to complete the homework.
- Teachers assign different types of homework such as pre-reading, additional reading and research information. Other fun and challenging activities like model-making, project learning, flipped classroom preparation are assigned to stimulate students’ learning motivation. Teachers also assign graded worksheets in order to cater to learning differences.
Different Kind of Homework
Different kind of homework
Chinese Language
English Language
Writing, Workbook, Individual Writing, Worksheet, Journal, Reading, Supplementary exercises
Supplementary Exercises, Workbook, Worksheet, Homework book (A ) / (B)
General Studies
Workbook, Worksheet, G.S self-study book, Newspaper clippings
Balance of Homework Quality and Quantity (Balance in Quality and Quantity of Homework)
- A holistic homework policy is formulated through collaboration between subject departments
- Class teachers keep a check on the amount of homework assigned by different subject teachers to avoid assigning too much homework on certain days.
- We draw on our previous experience and strike a balance between quality and quantity. Homework which helps to consolidate and facilitate learning is given as much as possible. Excessive mechanical drills and copying such as copying texts or words and penmanship practice are avoided in consideration of students’ levels and practical needs.
- We arrange the timetable and encourage teachers to make effective use of double lessons, tutorials and class-teacher periods to guide students in completing some of their homework with a view to reducing their pressure and enabling them to enjoy more leisure time.
How can Parents help?
- Provide a good learning environment for your children. Removing possible distractions, e.g. turning off the television or the radio when your children are doing homework, helps your children stay focused on their work.
- Guide your children with prompts instead of giving direct answers. Offering too much help or even finishing the homework for them will only make them over-reliant and thus hinder the development of their self-directed learning skills.
- Encourage your children to work with their classmates. Group work such as compiling group reports, doing collaborative creative tasks or working on projects provides children with the opportunities to learn how to communicate with one another, express their ideas and solve problems, thus enhancing their collaborative skills and cultivating their sense of responsibility.
- Avoid assigning excessive supplementary exercises to your children. Do not enrol your children in tutorial classes that stress on mechanical drilling as this will reduce their interest in learning.
- Ensure a balanced physical and mental development for your children. Make sure your children have enough time for rest and activities that are good for the body and mind like leisure reading and sports.